Thursday, July 29, 2004

"Iran Invasion Watch" pt. 1

As I mentioned in my earlier post on this topic, the run-up to any war in Iran begins first with the coordinated effort by various hawkish and conservative pundits to convince the American people of the "rightness" of any preemptive invasion. This first requires an airing out of the idea of the invasion, first in conservative media sources like The Weekly Standard or The Washington Times. The next step is to take the op-ed columns to the mainstream media, like The Washington Post, where they can try to reach a greater number of Americans and persuade them of the threat of a nuclear Iran. This is exactly what happened with Iraq, and the hawks are trying it again Iran. So I'm going to keep track of the "chatter" out there in the conservative media, with a weekly post I'll call "Iran Invasion Watch." Each week I'll post links to new articles, op-ed pieces and commentary that I see in the conservative media, advocating the invasion or Iran, or building up the potential threat of Iran to pave the way for talk of an invasion. And of course we'll all keep an eye on what the administration has to say about Iran, to get a sense of whether what the pundits say is gaining traction.

Today we have this, from American Daily. There's no specific recommendation for invasion, but rather an effort to set the mood by focusing on the threat of Iranian-sponsored terrorism.

PS. Occasionally I'll post the left's response to Iran invasion talk. Today we have this, from Znet.

1 comment:

adam said...

Oh man, it's like Bush mentions Iran and the neo-con hawks are already on it looking for a way and a means to invade.