Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Terror in the skies... the form of Arabic men daring to fly commercial that is. Would it be too much to refer to this woman's article as racist hysteria? I don't think so.  Still, I envy anyone who finds so much drama in their everyday airplane flight. Last time I was on a plane I spent more time wondering if the laws of physics would continue to work until I got back on the ground.


adam said...

The worst part is that people buy into all this, even though there was no evidence to support her assertion in the first place, and how this man was ridiculed for pointing this out. The "if terrorists can learn to fly planes, they can learn to play instruments too!" is one of those arguments that is so stupid it is almost unimaginable, yet can't actually be argued with because it is so stupid. Bravo.

Nat-Wu said...

That's the rationale of the conservative. If you say it loud enough and long enough, it becomes true.