Thursday, July 22, 2004

Where have all the conservatives gone?

After the Senate failed to pass the Federal Marriage Amendment, the Republican-controlled House passed today the so-called "Marriage Protection Act" which would prevent the Supreme Court and other courts from ordering states to recognize same-sex unions sanctioned elsewhere.  In other words, the law is designed to prohibit these courts from ruling on the constitutionality of gay marriage bans.  Did I miss something here? It is not up to legislators to decide what courts can and cannot rule on. This is the most blatant attack on the Constitution and the Seperation of Powers I have ever seen.  What makes them think the courts won't just decide this law is unconstitutional (as it so obviously is) anyway? Fortunately, I don't think this will pass the Senate, either by vote or because the Democrats will fillibuster. What happened to conservatives wanting to protect the Constitution? Why would they even want this? What if, say, a Democratic House decided to pass a gun control law that no court could rule on? This is just idiotic.

1 comment:

Nat-Wu said...

Conservatives? It doesn't mean conservative any more, it means Republican, which means "we're rich so we don't give a shit about you."