Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Questions About Bush's Guard Service Unanswered

USA Today released an article today examining the questions about President Bush's 1968-73 stint in the Texas Air National Guard. Unlike John Kerry, Bush has yet to release all his records that would answer these questions.

Amid the recent flap over the Swifboat lies, people have lost sight of the real issue - which, of course, is the point. To paraphrase Bill Maher, one guy earned medals and the other guy didn't. What else is there to say? Hell, one guy went, the other guy didn't. One rich guy volunteered for war, another rich guy got his daddy to keep him out it. Military service should not a pre-requisite for electing a president, but if we want to talk about character, as conservatives so often want to do, it's pretty clear which candidate has the strongest one.

UPDATE: George W. Bush was photographed wearing a ribbon he did not earn

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