Monday, November 22, 2004

The moral liberal

Adam's post made me recall a conversation we'd had a while ago, in which I expounded upon my position which (to put it succinctly) is that we are liberals because we are moral. Not, as your average Republican conservative would have it, because we are amoral atheists, but specifically because we are moral Christians. For example, our position on the poor is that they should be cared for using the state apparatus. That includes taxation on the more well-off (and the more well-off, the more taxation). It's certainly a Christian tenet that we should care for our fellow men (remember Cain made the mistake of thinking he wasn't his brother's keeper) given that it is one of the main points Jesus made. I also like to point out the morality of leaving American with a huge debt that generations in the future will suffer under. After all, what are we going to be doing with the money we're hoarding? It's not like we can take it with us. Same argument for the environment. Our "Christian" conservative brethren seem to think it's ok to tell women they can't have abortions, but it's not ok for people to tell them they have to spend their own money cleaning up the environment or stopping pollution before it starts. It is our world, but if a fetus is a human being, then it's your sperm's (or ova's) world too, and you owe it to them to be a good shepherd and leave it in the best possible shape for them. I've got more, but it's time to go.

1 comment:

Alexander Wolfe said...

You for the longest time I thought that talking about solutions based on their practicality was the best way to go, because I thought appealing to most people's reason was the best way to convince. Well, it's one way to go, but I think we have to aim all of our arguments for the heart.