Saturday, February 12, 2005

The True State of Iraq

Even as conservative pundits tell us the Iraq elections were a smashing success, insurgent attacks are increasing in number and magnitude as the insurgency is expected to last for years. Many of the attacks are taking place in Shiite neighborhoods as evidence continued to grow showing that much of the nation's minority Sunni Muslim population, principal backers of the insurgency, stayed away from the polls.

No doubt conservatives would accuse me of celebrating such a situation. On the contrary, I was quite happy that there was (relatively) little violence during the Jan. 20 elections. However, my wishes don't change the facts - insurgents have been unleashing some of their deadliest attacks since and Sunnis didn't see this election as that legitimate. Folks, simply put, these are the building blocks of a future civil war.

And that's something FOX news (or any other American media corporation) isn't telling you.

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