Sunday, September 11, 2005

"The Tragedies of 9/11" Redux

(The following is an update from my editorial a year ago.)

Today is the fourth anniversary of the September 11th attacks. No one will soon forget what it felt like that day. I remember watching the second plane hit the tower realizing that thousands would be dead before the end. But sometime later I began to see a silver lining. We were united. Then no one was defined by their politics - personal or political - but only by the country they pledged allegiance too. This tragedy had brought us together, but there was another tragedy soon to come.

The Bush administration started out a weak one. By winning the election without the popular vote they had little mandate to push their agenda.

But 9/11 changed everything.

The country was wounded and even the most partisan of people were going to stand behind the president. However, instead of using this moment to keep Americans together, they used it as a cover to push their radical agenda. Instead of an administration that brought unity, we saw one that used 9/11 to pass the intrusive "Patriot Act,” shield itself from any media criticism, and invade a country that was not a threat. And anyone who criticized them for it was called unpatriotic, even a traitor. But there's nothing more unpatriotic or traitorous than not upholding such a basic American ideal as dissent.

But as much as I can blame this administration, I can't pin it fully on them. I will never understand conservatives, but I respect them. However, I can't respect those who know the misdeeds of this administration and yet still support them. And I can't respect people who perpetuated the stupid idea that if you don’t, you’re unpatriotic. The greatest tragedy of 9/11 seems to be that so many worry about securing our nation they seem to have forgotten what it means to be an American. I have hope this has changed. I have seen Americans’ anger everywhere I go. But it is those who are not angry that worry me, be they partisan or just complacent.

Before the election, I said if we allowed them to decide this election, we wouldn't need to worry about security because America will no longer exist.

America still exists. But everyday its ideals are underminded by those bent on destroying our freedoms and rights through their secrecy and their cronyism - even to the point of putting our very lives in danger. This is why those who oppose them are in this fight. We fight for our country as it was on the 10th of September, 2001. And only by winning can we truly honor those who died that following day.

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