Sunday, December 11, 2005

Don't Jaywalk in Dallas

Or at least don't do it around any of the "bus police", or you'll get your ass beat for your effort.

A witness to the incident recounted what he saw:

"I came up just after the beginning of the incident. He [Lyon] has
one hand behind his back, and his right hand is holding the railing nearby. He is saying, 'I have done nothing wrong. Let me go.'

"The man was a Caucasian man with long hair in approximately
his forties. More police officers show up in both bikes and cars. One of the police officers grabbed the man's hair and pulled back hard. Two other police officers came and tackled the guy, sending him to his knees.

"Another police officer came from his right side and threw a closed-fisted punch. At least that's how it appeared.

"The man's son, I'm guessing approximately 14 to 16 years old, walks toward police and says, 'Stop doing that. He didn't do anything.' Police officer Number Six kicked the boy in his knee, and the boy backed out of reach, still in shock over what was happening.

"When his father was cuffed, police officer Number Six came after the boy, pushing him on the shoulder and yelling, 'Don't ever do that!' Each time the boy moved back, the officer pushed his fingers into his shoulder again, getting in the boy's face as if trying to start a fight.

"Officer Number Five came over and said, 'Let's put him in cuffs,' or something to that effect." The boy was cuffed and later released.

The man's son was then left on the street alone as the police hauled his dad off to jail.

I normally don't blog about stupidities that go on in my home town, but this is too rich to pass up. The moral of the story is if you're confronted by any members of the vaunted DART police force, be prepared to do what they say, or make plans to be calling your lawyer from jail later that night.

(Credit to for this story.)

1 comment:

The Rambling Taoist said...

This might be a good reason for someone to become a lawyer. Seems like jaywalkers in Dallas need effective legal counsel!