Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Vast, Gaping Silence at TWM

In case our loyal visitors (all 327 of you) are wondering why none of the TWM have seen fit to blog about the State of the Union Speech last, allow me to explain. Well actually I have no idea why my compatriots haven't blogged about it (though I have my guesses, most of which involve actually having something fun and interesting to do.) But I can tell you why I haven't. First of all, I didn't watch the speech. I don't ever watch the speech. There are two reasons for that. One, it's boring. That reason alone is sufficient to explain why I have not watched a single speech since Reagan was in office, and it's only more boring to me now than it was at 13. Two, why should I watch it when every single news source and blog in America will comment on it ad nauseum the next day? In my travels across time and the web the responses I've seen to the speech on liberal blogs have consisted of "Well this is so boring and useless but I feel obliged to blog about it" to "SEE, MORE OUTRAGES!" So no thanks. I'll pass this year...and the next...and the next...and the next...


Nat-Wu said...

Yeah, I'm going to have to go with the "better things to do" excuse. Actually, I believe I was tutoring my wife in math at the time, something which is vastly more important than listening to Bush spew his usual inanities (or insanities). The one part worth mentioning is Bush's talk about weaning ourselves of our gasoline dependence. However, the claims he made were basically renounced immediately by members of his administration. Anyway, this is a topic we were talking about earlier, if you recall.

Bob P said...

...the responses I've seen to the speech on liberal blogs have consisted of "Well this is so boring and useless but I feel obliged to blog about it" to "SEE, MORE OUTRAGES!"

Sorry... guilty as charged. I was trying hard to resist, but just couldn't let it go. Genuine applause for your refusal to dignify this Roman spectacle with any attention whatsoever!

Alexander Wolfe said...

Ha...well, it's not that I have a problem with the "See, more outrages" approach; it's just that I don't really have anything of my own to add. Though I suppose I could link to your blog and say "Bob P sees more outrages in the SOTU!"

Nat-Wu said...

Yeah, we claim no moral high-ground; we just hate watching speeches on tv!