Thursday, March 09, 2006

Chat Tool

As you might (or might not) have noticed, we've added a new tool to the blog a few days ago. It's called 3bubbles, and it allows you to open a live chat window for every blog post. If you look down at the bottom of the posts in the comments field, you'll see the text "Live Chat" followed by a parenthesis enclosing the number of chatters currently online. If someone's already opened a window to chat, those numbers will change. The feature also saves the conversation, so you can go into the chat window for any of our old posts and see if anyone's had anything to say. Now we're not exactly overrun with guests here at TWM so I don't imagine this feature will see a whole lot of use. But I think it's neat, and every now and then one or more of us here at TWM might chat among ourselves or with our readers, leaving something for later readers to look over. So, we'll give it a try and see how it goes.

Update: Alright, so I'm having a little getting the chat to work. I'm not sure if it's on my end, or 3bubbles' end. We'll figure it out.

Update: To quote little Ani from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, "It's's working!"


Nat-Wu said...

Hah! Like more than one person reads this blog at a time!

Nat-Wu said...

You just lost us our regular reader with a quote from Phantom Menace. Jeez, why not Jar-Jar?