Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Bosnian Pyramid

We don't touch on archaeology here much at TWM, but this is too good not to mention:

Researchers on Wednesday unearthed geometrically cut stone slabs that they said could form part of the sloping surface of what they believe is an ancient pyramid lying beneath a huge hill.

Archaeologists and other experts began digging at this central Bosnian town last week to explore the team leader's theory that the 2,120-foot hill covers a step pyramid, which would be the first ever found in Europe.Osmanagic believes the structure will prove to be 722 feet high, or a third taller than Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza.

For an idea of how massive a structure we're talking about, see the picture that accompanies this article from a few days ago.

I know a little about Egyptian archaeology and history thanks to a class in college and my mom's interest in the subject, but what I know is enough to tell me that this discovery is absolutely astounding. So much so that I was tempted at first to think this had to be a hoax, but the evidence is convincing. Who built it? When? Why? Archaeologists will no doubt spend years, if not decades, trying to answer these questions.

1 comment:

Nat-Wu said...

That's a good one, alright.