Saturday, July 31, 2004

Exposing CNN's and Newsweek's Bias

A fellow blog has put up an excellent analysis of CNN's anti-Kerry bias during the Democratic National Convention. Newsweek is also reporting a "baby bounce" for John Kerry in a new poll. It has Kerry at 49 and Bush at 42, a gain of four points from the last Newsweek poll. The only problem is, it's a bad poll! The poll was averaged from polling on two days, one of which was Thursday. Kerry's speech was Thursday night, meaning an accurate poll meant to measure a bounce couldn't be done accurately until Friday. Coincidentally, the polling done on Friday showed a much greater lead, with Kerry at 50 to Bush's 40 - a lead of 10-points! Though Newsweek does mention the fact that the results might be skewed because of this in the article, that apparently wasn't enough to stop them from publishing a poll, which will cited in articles and the media without the context the article provided. The truth is, no accurate polling of Kerry's convention bounce will be available until next week, with polls covering days from Friday, and not before.

UPDATE: Paul Krugman takes on CNN's bias too in his latest Op/Ed.

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