Thursday, March 03, 2005

Faith-Based Discrimination

According to the L.A. Times, "The House on Wednesday approved a job-training bill that would allow faith-based organizations receiving federal funds to consider a person's religious beliefs in making employment decisions. Under current law, religious groups that receive federal money for job-training programs must obey civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in hiring or firing...

Its prospects are uncertain in the Senate, where Democrats are objecting to cuts in some programs and the religious discrimination provision. "

So the Republicans are giving their approval to exactly the thing I don't like about giving money to faith-based organizations. I have no problem with it on principle (though I believe thereshould be aid to all community service groups, not just religious ones), as long as their are strict rules that go along with it - including prohibiting religious discrimination. Religious groups have the right to take into account religion in their activities - but not when they are receiving my tax dollars. I do not want to support discrimination. This bill is simply indefensible, and hopefully it will be defeated in the Senate.

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