Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A New Kind of Drug War?

Business Week Online has an interesting article that argues that the "war on drugs" has simply made the drug problem worse (and created others such as organized crime much like Prohibition) and that "with the benefit of several decades' worth of hindsight -- legalization, taxation, and regulation appear superior to the current strategy of prohibition and prosecution." Now I don't know what the answer to the drug problem is, and I'm not endorsing this plan. However, I do believe we need a drastic change in a strategy that has obviously failed to work, and that ideas such as this should be heard without being immediately shunned. Anyway, that's why I'm choosing to post about it here. It is an interesting read at least.

1 comment:

adam said...

I agree with you that it wouldn't lessen drug use, but if it could eliminate the crime and other problems created under prohibition, would it not still be worth it?